Where's the stop button ?

Sometimes things happen really fast. Like in an eyeblink they pass your way and you're not even able to recognise what it was. But if you're lucky, you get the tail of the whole thing and can eventually interpret what it means.
Today I realised that I'm here for almost half a year. Wow! After being through all this ups and downs (and still being caught in) I still haven't found my way but all in all the whole environment helps me to finally do. Time flies.
I feel like getting a stomach flu, but I hope it's just rebellion against my total gluttony of today. :s
Other interesting things I found out today :
- I never knew you could spend soo much money for a simple bag of cereals !
- There's a pill for every disease but people don't realise that the cure lies in themselves
- I'm a good photographer but I tend to have the wrong cameras *lol*
- Everyone has the SLIGHT tend to go nuts . First the kids in the after school caring centre, where I work and even mum adjusts her voice and talks like a dork.