
Photos, impressions, weird thoughts and life in general.

Donnerstag, Januar 12, 2006

living for the weekend

[taken after Texel holiday - some motorway station near Cologne // june 2004]

oo> oasis * don't go away [quote of the day : "I need more time to make things right"]

Looking back this week it wasn't that bad actually. I showed more motivation at work (at least I tried to) and hope my boss will recognize my good will. Otherwise I can't do my exam and that would destroy all my good plans for the future (although I always say I'm not planning far ahead).

Do you know that feeling when everything around you collapses and you just have to start over again ? It's one of the most frightening feelings I ever felt. Worse than any bad trip or movie or broken friendship or whatnot.

So, finally : It's weekend from tomorrow 5pm. I don't have any big plans. Maybe do some crazy road-trip to somewhere ... ? We'll see. Oah, I like surprises ! *grins*

And because of the weekend I'll give some hugs to the following persons :

T. - Thanks for letting my analyse your mind, you have a truly beautiful one.
M. - I still think of our guitar weekend and hope you'll be fine again.
crazy frenchie - See you soon ! ;)
Liza - thanks for being my friend ALTHOUGH you know me. *LoL*
Katharina - I always read your journal and I hope we'll find a place to meet finally this year : For a beer and a good talk about popmusic.

A. (if you ever should read this) :

I still love you but I'm fine


"Maybe you gonna keep me from ever being happy, but you're not gonna stop me from having fun." ani di franco * gravel

A nice weekend to all of you !



  • At 12:45 PM, Blogger piccadilly said…

    thx for that...
    You know, like the Gallagher-brothers who said "I won't anyone let sing my songs, except for you and John Lennon". And I won't let anyone else analyse my mind.. except you! ;-)

  • At 3:05 PM, Blogger Lieza said…

    "Liza - thanks for being my friend ALTHOUGH you know me. *LoL*"

    Yes, its hard sometimes.. but you know, luckily you're a couple hours away ;)

    P.S.: The pic cracks me up. Did u know prostitution is actually a legal job in the netherlands? The prostitutes even are social ensured. And if you wanna know something about the drug law in that funny country, just let me know. I even could tell you something about politics...
    bla bla bla bla ;)

  • At 10:36 PM, Blogger Lieza said…

    ... ignore the "luckily you're a couple hourse away" maybe...

  • At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    I see that this one is strictly english...
    I always read your journal, too and I'm very sure that we will find a place and time to meet this year. I'm working on my definition of good music and I'm always there, if there's beer to drink. ;-)
    Most important of all: Don't let her drag you down!
    Have a nice sunday evening and a good week.

  • At 7:45 PM, Blogger silent_genius said…

    crazy frenchie - See you soon ! ;)

    I can't believe this weekend is already all over. Time flies.. ;)


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