
oo> NIN - closer
Back from the sponatious party I'm into new plans again. Referring on my creative blockade I'll talk turkey and do something against it. Today I'll go to a jamsession with a friend who plays drums. He sounded very enthusiastic about the whole plan and so we ended up meeting at 7pm at his house.
It's like soaking up a sponge with water. Should work out grand. Otherwise I'll doubt my impressibility for music and it's language.
But aren't we all students of the musical language ... ?
I like the way you have to work on it, almost kneel into the sound, splashing the melody on your face like sea water and then see if it stings or soothes. *laughs*
It's just a challenge in general and lately I'm into that.
At 2:07 AM,
Mike said…
Hey, how was the jam-session-open-stage-thingy? Man, I'm so sorry I couldn't be there :-( And, on a totally unrelated note: What filter are you running on your photographs? The one with the grass looks really cool. But I like your guitar better the way it really looks (and especially: sounds ;-)
At 9:11 AM,
murmel said…
hihi...well, in the end you haven't missed anything good. To do a good jamsession you gotta be open minded and some ppl there just played their solos and tons of blues schemes. Was pretty boring.
According to the photos I mostly edit them with HP Image Zone. The grassy one was taken with an ancient canon AF35MII which got from my parents. They owned it before, but it's pretty damaged, so it's mine ! :D
Hope to read you soon ! :)
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