
oo> 30 seconds to mars - from yesterday
....are just underrated. I don't know what people moan about. I mean, if you slept enough and get your coffee before the real work starts, it's more than cool. ^^
It was a really calm day and basically it's just up to me if I change something or leave things like they are. That's good and bad at once, but at least no feeling overweights.
I paint it on the walls, scream it in the dark winter sky until the last ants have heard my message :
As if they couldn't have been better I got home and found that my online order has arrived :
1 Book ( Dan Brown - Illuminati [I dunno what the english title is])
1 CD ( 30 seconds to mars - a beautiful lie [very good so far !])
Sometimes life just tastes like a sweet bowl full of sugar until you get to the part where they put the bitter stuff in....but ain't it the way it always is ?
At 6:18 PM,
Lieza said…
"illuminati" is "The DaVinci Code". Great book btw, even if it's the german version. Try out "Angels & Demons" (dunno the german title for that), its good too (I'd give u mine but thats somewhere in belgium lol)
At 7:52 PM,
silent_genius said…
yey for 30 seconds to mars! You know what? You now own a CD I actually don't have but adore, that's amazing, ain't it? ;)
At 8:15 PM,
Lieza said…
Silent Genius doesnt own a cd she adores...? o_o
*Woah* ;)
At 8:19 PM,
murmel said…
You know what's funny Liza ? It is the book "angels and demons", which is called "illuminati" in german.
and "the da vinci code" is the english version of "sakrileg". ;)
confusing, innit ?
and mel : WOW ! That's pretty rare..I'm still astonished about that fact...*lol*
At 8:53 PM,
Lieza said…
That means i read Illuminate twice and didnt realize it? Hell, my german sucks!!
Still, "DaVinci Code" is the best one ;)
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