
Photos, impressions, weird thoughts and life in general.

Samstag, Dezember 31, 2005

"getting ready for another year like this"

Somehow it's almost scary how right K's choice are in their lyrics. I just adore that band. Hope they'll get theirselves together next year and make a record again. Just a little side note, before I get to the point.

So, this was 2005. I'm still unsure of what to think when I review the past 12 months in my head. There have been many wonderful but also painful moments and some things that were important to me or became during the time. So, to follow Nick Hornby's good tradition :

Here are my
ultimate Top 5

Albums of the year
(don't be picky with the release date, it's sorted by personal meaning)

von spatzen und tauben, dächern und händen

x & y

good morning hope

catch without arms

wir sind helden
von hier an blind
Songs of the year
1. nick drake - things behind the sun
2. björk - joga
3. skunk anansie - feel
4. goo goo dolls - iris
5. coldplay - fix you
Newcomer of the year
1. Sarah Bettens
2. Ryan Adams (a true workaholic who always manages it to release wonderful albums)
3. The Dresden Dolls
4. Kettcar
5. Dredg
Words of the year (unsorted)
"invincible" - "connection" - "friends" - "tolle wurst (-> insider *g*)" - "telefonkonzert" - "killerkiwi" - "iro (and accordingly "mohawk") " - "luv" - "knuffel" - "sms" - "K's choice" - "Chat" - "Scream" - "sing" - "revolution"
Most memorable sentence :

„Das Leben ist viel zu kurz um sich Gedanken darüber zu machen, was andere Leute über Dich denken könnten“ (Thank you A. - R.I.P.)


So, if I should sum it all I'd say it with the words of the wonderful Alanis Morrisette :

"You live, you learn, you love, you learn

You cry, you learn, you lose, you learn
You bleed, you learn, you scream, you learn."

A good start into the year 2006 to all of you. I hope we'll read each other soon.


PS : You can comment now also as an anonym user now. I edited the comment settings. If there are any problems with it you know how to contact me (*wink* to Katharina *gg*).

Donnerstag, Dezember 29, 2005

economical and edgy

[taken @ southside festival, Neuhausen ob Eck, Germany - june 2005]

music - > incubus : privilege

Good day, so far. I'm still shooting with adrenaline, and the reason is as profan as the snow outside : I went shopping !

But shopping isn't equal with what many people think of when they hear the word. I shopped for cds and books and found some lovely stuff (2 incubus LPs, a comic book and the latest VISIONS magazine).

And I even had some time to take pictures in the park with my oldschool analogue camera (developed photos soon). It was a soothing and pleasant day after the daily "hanging around and waiting for the sundown" at home in the last week.

Back at home I put the incubus cd and listened to it on my parents cool surround sound stereo.

Mum : "That sounds strange to me. It's so aggressive."
Me : "Sometimes it has to be that way."
Sister : "I don't like it *imitates the singer very bad*."
Me : "Of course it's easy to judge after hearing 20 seconds of it."

I like music that's different. And many will agree, that the music that's played on the random music channels (which I stop to name like that from now on) is boring and uninspired.
Edgy, intelligent, honest and straight ahead going. That's how I refer my favourite music. And that's how it should be.

Dienstag, Dezember 27, 2005

Sometimes a picture speaks for itself

" If theres a reason for the chaos that I see
If theres a reason for the rain to fall on me
If theres a reason why we’re far away from free
Well it better be a good one baby"

woodface - are you ready to sing ?

[photo taken @ southside festival - Neuhausen ob Eck, Germany 2005]


[photo taken in Terschelling - Netherlands, 2004]

music -> Juli : November (same feeling, although it's December)

I became friendly with christmas and everything around. In the end the silhouette is gone and the core - what REALLY matters - is that you are around your loved ones.

I got nice and well chosen gifts with even better cards. The one I got from my boss says :

"Dreams are the wings, that carry us in a new reality"

True, beautiful and a good closing rate for this christmas.

Samstag, Dezember 24, 2005

catholicism stole my christianity

music - > ryan adams : I see monsters [picture : holiday in Texel, Netherlands 2004]

Every year around the 24th of december millions and millions of people in Germany beat a path to the church doors like someone on the inside is giving coupons or free tickets for the next football game.

I'm still riddling what are their motives. People that never go to church over the year, curse over the church taxes and the new pope. Those people are seen with devotional faces and an open purse, waiting for salvation right on time.

I don't mind many things. I can stand my mum yelling at me, cause I don't wanna go to church (if I don't go the whole year, why of all things today ?), fecies on my shoe when they're just cleaned, stupid situations and the fist of destiny in my well fed stomach.

But I can't stand hypocrites. People that pray for freedom, peace and loving each other and then backbite after church about others. People that NEVER go to church and go today just to salve consciences.

I considder myself as a spiritual person. I believe in a good talk when you're feeling bad, a friendship that lasts for ages over borders or complications, a song that speaks your language when you're out of words and a love that's comforting and celebrating life.
But I don't see myself as a catholic. I stopped being one long ago. Or maybe tonight, after having that arguement with my mum.

Merry Christmas

Did I told you that I HATE that word "x-mas"??
It just reminds me of consum, commerciality and capitalism in any way. And that's how christmas works nowadays. Sad enough.

So : Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you out there !

(-> The photo above was taken out of my window on a holiday in Urhan (Kerry) , Ireland - Summer 2003)

Donnerstag, Dezember 22, 2005

For a start

...don't we all want "peace of mind"?
I went to a journey 2 years ago and I didn't know I'd find. But I did. See above.