
Photos, impressions, weird thoughts and life in general.

Montag, September 04, 2006

What would I be....

if I'd be....

a month: May
a day of the week: Friday
a daytime: early evening
a Planet: Pluto
an animal who lives in the sea: one of those fishes who can disguise themselves
a point of the compass: south-west *hehe*
a piece of furniture: a bed
a sin: lust. *muhahah*
a person in history: John Lennon
a fluid: Absinth
a stone: one of the fat and huge ones. ;)
a tree: a willow
a bird: an eagle
a tool: a hammer
a flower: a lily
a type of weather: sunshine with a cool wind
a mystic creature: the beast of "beauty and the beast"
an instrument: drums. really.
an animal: a cat
a color: blue
a vegetable: carrot
a sound: *peng*
an element: air
a car: Peugeot 8-)
a song: don't mag yourself (currently playing)
a movie: city of angels
a book: high fidelity by nick hornby
a religion: buddism
a word: fuck
a part of the body: hand
a facial expression: crying
a subject: history
a cartoon character: little rock chick ;)

shamelessly stolen by zis (c) *gg*


  • At 6:24 PM, Blogger silent_genius said…

    Haven't you heard? Pluto's no real planet anymore ;)

    You'll get an email later on with what you asked me about.. and snail mail I don't know when because I suck like that :]


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