weird thoughts..
...I just have to write them down. So it happened last night, out of some kinda rush. Please don't rate this at all. It's just a plain train of thoughts, sweeping as fast through my head as it disappears again.
I like t-shirts. One coloured. Mostly.
I like them because they're plain.
No confusing neon ads, how much you weight you could lose with this or that diet.
No wrong promises, hidden behind glaring, pussy-like written letters, subliminal saying :
That's what it's all about. If you're not someONE, you're nothing. Almost as plain as my shirt colour but with a whole different meaning. I cut the label out of my shirt, cause I don't want to be labelised.
No gritty words, sketches or silly sayings on it. Just me, wearing it. Human. Pure. Biological mass (or mess - however you might call it).
Sometimes I think I'm just entertaining myself to not fall apart and realise how ill I really am.
Or schizophrenic.
I just realised I have 3 close friends who are suffering from depression. I mean, does that have a meaning ? Am I chosen for a kinda mission ? I dunno. These times are more confusing than everything before.
Some sentence is still haunting me :
"I want to have a taste of life before I choose the flavour."
nov. 2005
I just recorded a song called "voices" and suddenly I hear a strange noise in the back of the song. The sound is pretty far and low in the back, you can't almost get it. Just if you listen close. It sounds like an arabian man preaching.....
This is no joke, believe me. I just heard that in that particular song.
I don't want to know if you still like being with my after this entry, but just imagine my smiling, innocent face. *laughs*
God, these times are strange.
I like t-shirts. One coloured. Mostly.
I like them because they're plain.
No confusing neon ads, how much you weight you could lose with this or that diet.
No wrong promises, hidden behind glaring, pussy-like written letters, subliminal saying :
That's what it's all about. If you're not someONE, you're nothing. Almost as plain as my shirt colour but with a whole different meaning. I cut the label out of my shirt, cause I don't want to be labelised.
No gritty words, sketches or silly sayings on it. Just me, wearing it. Human. Pure. Biological mass (or mess - however you might call it).
Sometimes I think I'm just entertaining myself to not fall apart and realise how ill I really am.
Or schizophrenic.
I just realised I have 3 close friends who are suffering from depression. I mean, does that have a meaning ? Am I chosen for a kinda mission ? I dunno. These times are more confusing than everything before.
Some sentence is still haunting me :
"I want to have a taste of life before I choose the flavour."
nov. 2005
I just recorded a song called "voices" and suddenly I hear a strange noise in the back of the song. The sound is pretty far and low in the back, you can't almost get it. Just if you listen close. It sounds like an arabian man preaching.....
This is no joke, believe me. I just heard that in that particular song.
I don't want to know if you still like being with my after this entry, but just imagine my smiling, innocent face. *laughs*
God, these times are strange.
At 1:03 PM,
silent_genius said…
"we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy" ;)
You're an artist, no artist is 100% sane, anyway.
Never ignore the voices in your head, don't follow what they say all too closely but at least take them into account. I know how it feels, so if you need to share the fear, you know where to find me. :]
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