Lonelyness in style
Today, when driving to work the landscape was just beautiful. And even the song in my ear fit perfectly to the weather. It's "Fishing for a dream" from Turin Brakes. I just discovered them and I think I'll go to the city tomorrow and buy all albums of them I'm able to find. *hehe*
And I've made a big mistake !
My L-Word DVDs arrived *yaay for that* and I left my DVD Player at work, cause the kids wanted to watch a DVD (after I got it there they wanted to watch a video ! *argh*). So, I'll probably be bored the whole weekend having cool DVDs around, but no player. Gnrf !
Anyone in for a L-Word Session ? Anyone willing to send me hers/his DVD player over ?
And I've made a big mistake !
My L-Word DVDs arrived *yaay for that* and I left my DVD Player at work, cause the kids wanted to watch a DVD (after I got it there they wanted to watch a video ! *argh*). So, I'll probably be bored the whole weekend having cool DVDs around, but no player. Gnrf !
Anyone in for a L-Word Session ? Anyone willing to send me hers/his DVD player over ?
At 8:30 PM,
Anonym said…
You could use my DVD-player, if you don't mind me hanging around watching the DVD's with you.
Don't really know what to do with myself this weekend, so that would be a nice change of plans.
At 8:46 PM,
silent_genius said…
I can bring my kick-ass stereo which can play DVDs and we could watch the whole first season. L-word marathon, that could be fun! Done that once, in Belgium with P. ;)
At 2:08 PM,
Lieza said…
I did that yesterday night, unfortunately on my own lol
At 5:40 PM,
murmel said…
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