sand in the clockwork of the world
oo-> pearl jam : all those yesterdays
Don't ask me why I'm that nihilstic these days, but there's just nothing good happening. Today my boss realised that she can't guarantee my working mates job from this september on.
And all that crap because of a new law that should "make all the payment for child care easier".
She's so cool and I learned a bunch of really useful things for my future job. So it's much harder to think that she's going to be jobless and away from september on.
If you ask me, it's easy to judge over people that stay anonym to you - as a politician. The funny thing is that a dad of a former football mate of mine is now one of "them" and I invited him to come and visit our place. Maybe he can change something.
After work - I wasn't even out of the road : A bus and a car crossing the road, unsure how the right of way is arranged.
I got a little bit pissed about people that drive expensive cars, but don't even know the traffic rules.
Right after that thought I almost crashed into a car that had right of way.
Conclusion :
Don't judge others if you can't do better.
Other random facts of the day :
Don't ask me why I'm that nihilstic these days, but there's just nothing good happening. Today my boss realised that she can't guarantee my working mates job from this september on.
And all that crap because of a new law that should "make all the payment for child care easier".
She's so cool and I learned a bunch of really useful things for my future job. So it's much harder to think that she's going to be jobless and away from september on.
If you ask me, it's easy to judge over people that stay anonym to you - as a politician. The funny thing is that a dad of a former football mate of mine is now one of "them" and I invited him to come and visit our place. Maybe he can change something.
After work - I wasn't even out of the road : A bus and a car crossing the road, unsure how the right of way is arranged.
I got a little bit pissed about people that drive expensive cars, but don't even know the traffic rules.
Right after that thought I almost crashed into a car that had right of way.
Conclusion :
Don't judge others if you can't do better.
Other random facts of the day :
- My boss wrote my certificate for the last half of year today - > I'm curious how bad my work looks on paper. Or not.
- I heard "underneath your clothes" yesterday at my sisters house on the radio and thought of one particular person right away. Interesting to see. That song never quite appealed me before.
- I'm waiting to receive the first season of "the l-word" on DVD. Tomorrow maybe.*jumps*
- ALL my wisdom teeth need to be pulled out. My dentist is just one of the few people I know that are able to still smile like an innocent angel even when telling bad news. Date for the preliminary talk and x-raying : 15th of February.
T., you aren't alone ! Bless your tonsils ! I hope they won't get pulled out that harsh as I'm expecting my teeth to be pulled out *shakes*
Mel - sorry for being such an ass and not chatting with you. I'm just extremely busy focussing on useless things. Don't ask. Long story. I'll let you know.
Catch ya later
At 11:13 PM,
silent_genius said…
No worries. Take all the time you need to figure out whatever things you're up to.
Be good in the meanwhile.
At 10:43 AM,
Anonym said…
I don't mean to be too curious, but who ist that particular person that you thought of listening to "underneath your clothes"? Is it A...?
I can really understand your fear regarding the wisdom teeth. Mine have to be pulled out, too. Fortunately I only have two of them.
Have a nice day.
At 8:18 PM,
Lieza said…
"I heard "underneath your clothes" yesterday at my sisters house on the radio and thought of one particular person right away. Interesting to see. That song never quite appealed me before. "
It makes me think of so-called english teachers who said the song was too dirty to play it.
It also makes me think of ignoring them and play it anyway. It reminds me of playing the wrong chords too.. ;)
And it never appealed to me somehow lol
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