me and the questionary

--> depeche mode . personal jesus (acoustic)
We have a kinda love-hate relationship. But on the other side I can't stop to do them. Thanks to picca and soulmate for this.
Grab the book that lies the closest to you and quote page 18, line 4
"Noch lebt", rief er dazwischen, "es hätte erst gar nicht so weit kommen dürfen. Abstürzen hätte er können." ("Vorstadtkrokodile", Max von der Grün)
Stretch out your left arm the farest it gets - what do you find ?
my guitar amp
What was the last show you've seen on TV ?
Football, UEFA Championship, FC Sevilla - FC Schalke 04 (1:0)
Besides your computer - what else do you hear ?
I hear my winamp that plays now "in our gun" by Gomez and the traffic noises outside.
What did you do the last step outside ?
About half an hour ago when I go out of the car to go into the house.
What did you do before you did this questionary ?
I've been to my sisters place and rehearsed with her and my other sis for the wedding of my cousin that will take place july.
What are you wearing ?
Jeans (used and trashed look), a "dredg" t-shirt and black socks.
What did you dream last night ?
I don't remember.
When did you laugh the last time ?
Today in school.
What kinda things are on your walls ?
Bandposters, some notices, kids pictures and a cd rack.
Have you seen something suspicious lately ?
This wasn't disturbing or suspicious, but it amused me :

What do you think about this questionary ?
When will the good questions appear ? ;)
What was the last movie you've seen ?
Dirty Dancing. Yesterday. Because SOMEONE forced me to do so. :p *gg*
What would you buy if you'd be a millionaire ?
Houses for my family members and myself. And I'd donate a lot for projects everywhere in the world.
Tell me something I didn't know about you :
Somethings aren't meant to see the light of day. ^^
If you could change one thing - what would it be ?
Do you enjoy dancing ?
Yeah, but I'm not Patrick Swayze if you know what I mean. I enjoy it very much. But most of the time I have friends around who blame themselves with me, so it's not THAT bad.
George Bush
My bush would give a better president ! You stole my sentence picca ! But it's true and although I don't know Jill Sobule that much, her assistant rocks (she wore a t-shirt with that sentence).
Imagine you'd have a little girl - what would be her name ?
And if it was a boy ?
Humm..I like Lukas a lot. But every boy is named Lukas or Kevin these days. So I'll probably go for Robert. Don't laugh, I really like that name ! And pronounced in German !
Are you considering to move abroad ?
Yes, I dream about having a little house somewhere in Ireland. Some sweet it'll happen, I hope.
What would you say if you're standing in front of god on the heavens gates ?
Hey, is it true that you REALLY hate lesbians ?