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Sonntag, April 09, 2006

what means "walk the line" ???

That's what mom asked me today when I told her from the movie I saw yesterday. I translated it, but I'm not quite sure what the true meaning of these words IS actually to me.

Looking back on this movie I think it's about finding the line you want to walk onto. Johnny Cash had a hard time finding it and somehow his future wife June Carter saved his life by loving him and understanding him. I like the romantic idea of life-saving love, but at the moment I'm pretty nihilistic to all of these things. Btw, the movie was a good one - you just have to gasp at Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon singing with their own voices and doing such a good job. But I'd like to give the oscar to Joaquin, cause he just made me believe it's a real-life documentary and not a melodram.

Had an argue about religion the other day again. With mom. She just doesn't get the fact that I don't have a good relation to the issues "God" and "Church" at the moment. I mean, would you go as a cat into a cage full of dogs, hoping they won't kill you cause they're so distracted by the food ? ? ?
My position as a homosexual is not well seen in the church. Obviously I'm a pervert, sinner and whatnot. I don't give a fuck. But I hate to wear my pretty suburbian school girl mask and act like a nun in front of all these people and walk into a house that's been declared as a forbidden zone for me from some old grumpy men in Rome.

I deeply respect everyone who truly celebrates his/hers beliefs to find a deeper sense in life. That's what we all somehow do - and me, too.

But some people just don't get the point. And this issue is always returning, like a boomerang or smth. I'm just tired of it. And that's what "walk the line" means to me : Be true to yourself, overcoming all stones, thrown into your way and live life, love and give love to others. No matter in what you believe in.



  • At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    What is more perverted? Homosexuality or the double moral standards of so many members of the church?
    I think, pretty much all of us have our struggles with church, religion and belief.
    Your "walk the line" comes pretty close to what I believe in.

    I'm still working on a solution for the Munich/money-problem. Any ideas?

  • At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    I mean, would you go as a cat into a cage full of dogs, hoping they won't kill you cause they're so distracted by the food ? ? ?

    Sometimes things like that can be fun, I heard someone once went to a soccergame broadcast (Germany vs. Netherlands) in Germany wearing a Holland shirt (and beeing the onlyone in orange)


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