push some things aside
[visual fossile , found on my hard drive - entitled "fingers on the mirror"]
Maybe you know that : You push things aside and hide them under the rug to not to take them or solve the problem.
I'm actually glad that my boss and I didn't talk about my activity I did on thursday, cause otherwise I would've thought about it the whole weekend.
And maybe I have to learn to not take too much things seriously and let them come close to me. That saves many nerves and gives strength for harder times.
So, yeah the gig with "silent revolution" is over and we played with "Crayfish" (as mentioned above). They were really nice and stuff, but it all seemed so ready for the business it almost made me smile a little bit. Their manager told me for who he worked for and where "the guys" (as he called them) will play and first I thought "Wow. 12.000 people. Teen Magazine." but then I had a relieving thought and leaned back in my mind. And I thought : "Great. But not my world."
I don't care whether there are 5 or 500 people in a club where we play. As long as some of them understand what me and Sascha want to transport and say with our music I'm happy.
And out of 50 there will be at least 3 people that stick with us at our gigs and so the cycle rolls. Slowly, but it rolls. And since yesterday I'm so happy I have the controls over it that I could jump in the air and clap my hands like an idiot. *grins*
Couldn't help it - a song popped up in my head and never left my side on that whole evening :
" Beware, beware
They're on their way
They're getting closer every day
But I'm prepared
I'm sure some common sense will
Blow them all away
They like your band
They shake your hand
They smell like food that has gone bad
Today it's you
Today will pass
I'm so sick of all this trash..."
K's choice . my record company
How fitting, don't you think ?
A nice weekend to all of you !
And picca : Thanks for the lyrics. I actually start to like Oasis. But "BLOASIS" still rules. ;)
Funny that now in this very moment "jovanotti" performs on HR "mi fido di te". I do, btw. ^^
At 11:27 AM,
silent_genius said…
Have a nice weekend, you too. And good luck with the blog layout. Sorry I can't help you out with it.. I guess you could reinstall the code I sent you the other day and work from there. Providing you kept this mail, of course.
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