What if there is ... ?
["proving the existence of god" - found when I googled for the word "god" on www.google.de]
--> arctic monkeys . I bet you look good on the dancefloor (in my head)
Came home from a nice evening with piccadilly and N., a friend from Cologne who visited her and of course me. We went out to watch the movie "stay" with Ewan McGregor, Ryan Gosling and Naomi Watts *drool*. ;)
It was quite confusing - especially for the end - but I like movies that leave you behind with many questions and hidden answers. This movie was like a good song : Actually the lyrics are quite easy to understand but in the end everyone has his own interpretation about it. Anyway : It was quite good, so - go and see it ! And if you're not convinced yet : NAOMI WATTS ! ! ! What else do you need ? *grins*
Afterwards we got in our favourite club to dance total insane to our favourite music. It was a nice evening and a very good relax for the last weeks that just have been strange - in many ways.
Now I'm at home and I read in the K's choice Forum a debate about religion and the "evil church" that pulls the taxes of the Atheists pockets. *.*
It just seems estranged to me that mostly people who just know shit of religion or the feeling of it are the most angry and aggressive ones about it. And that's why I think about the whole issue now a bit.
I mean, some people might think I don't believe in god. But I do. I mean, I was raised catholic and I still attend to some stuff that's going on (for example I'm happy to see my only male cousin in the whole kin, on the mothers side getting married) and I like the songs that they sing, but I don't feel the urge to go to church EVERY sunday.
And for me, belief is something really basic and true and beautiful. And it's important to believe in SOMETHING. If it's just a good song, a wonderful friendship, love, hope, peace and whatnot or one of the gods - it doesn't matter ! At least you believe in something.
When I see those people grumbling about religion and the "exploitation" I just gotta laugh. Cause these people seem to have a problem with themselves.
If you can't accept others opinions and beliefs - how can you get along with yourself without questioning everything that you do ?
What if there IS something, someone above that watches us all ? What if there are no coincidences ?
If you've never asked yourself that question you probably missed some of the most important things in life. No matter if you decided that your personal opinion is "no". At least you should know.
At 12:49 PM,
Anonym said…
Sorry, can't do this one in english.
Check your mail for my German answer.
At 5:53 PM,
Mike said…
Hmm... I guess the only thing some people believe in is themselves. Kind of a sad I guess. I'm pretty fed up with that discussion by now, to tell you the truth... so I'm not gonna post anything on that thread anymore ;-)
Have a nice day, though *hugs*
At 8:56 PM,
silent_genius said…
I'm not sure I believe in God, but I for sure don't believe in religion. And I don't agree with your "one of the gods" statement because if you read the holy texts they all have a different name but it's nothing but the same God in the end.
And I like this quote from Ani's What If No One's Watching song :
"and i think,
what if no one's watching
what it when we're dead, we are just dead
what if it's just us down here
what if god ain't looking down
what if he's looking up instead?"
Because even if there IS a God, there's no proof he's watching us.
At 11:51 PM,
piccadilly said…
I believe, that is must be something above us, call it "God" if you want. And I also believe that everything we do is already "written" somewhere. We were born to fulfil a certain destiny, that is what I believe. And when you fulfiled your destiny, you're ready to die. Sounds very sad to me, as I don't think some of my friends who died have fulfied their destiny... But you know what I think about this, so this post was actually for those, who don't know.
Luv ya and thank you for that wonderful weekend!
Hugs and kisses
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