--> panic ! at the disco . I write sins, not tragedies
Actually I quite dislike to translate questionaries, but this one seemed kinda cool. And it's from picca, that's why. ^^
1. With which "star" would you like to shag ?
Hihi. LEISHA HAILEY ! *scream*
2. If your soul would be colored, which color would it be ?
3. Imagine several catastrophes erased all possible food, which 3 groceries would
have to exist to ensure your survival ?
roll, rice, chicken
4. Three things that REALLY bug you at the moment:
1. my studying lazyness
2. disconnection (in many ways)
3. prejudice
5. With which superhero do you indentify the most ?
Hmmm, never thought about it. But I saw "X-Men 2" a few days ago and I quite
liked the role of "Nightcrawler".
6. What was your dreamjob when you were little ?
a trapez artist. But I overthought it after I hung on the trapez for real and
wasn't able to come down again. ;)
7. Three characteristic traits that describe you the best :
1. contemplative
2. funny
3. sarcastic
8. Which things make you cry regularly ?
I don't cry that often, but lately it's the feeling of being caught in the
wrong job and the urge to make music but not being able to cause everything is
pent-up and blocks my brain.
9. Your biggest frailty / your biggest power :
my strange ability to interpret untrue things into situations / my humor
10. What scares you ?
11. You're about to be transplanted. Which organ needs to be replaced ?
My heart.
12. If Tom Cruise and Angelina Jolie would ring at your door, what would you do ?
"Hi, how are you ? Where did you leave Leisha ?" ;)
13. The last nightmare you had and remember :
My boss' dad died and she cried in my arms. I don't like my boss THAT much to
have to urge to imagine she lies crying in my arms.
14. Three quirks :
1. I take my camera with my everywhere
2. I enjoy some time alone lately.
3. I quote from movies and songs if I find it fitting to the situation (Deuce,
T. ! ^^)
15. If you'd die right now, what would be your last words ?
If it would be a slow death, I prolly call all important people to tell them
that I love them (and unimportant people that I'm sorry for them being such
In case of a fast death I would quote something from a movie or song. It
depends on the situation.