Fight back

broken window on our neighbors barn
--> tool . jambi
Some things will never change. If it's about long-lasting friendships, rituals or emotions it can even be good this way - but finding yourself always being spyed, not trusted in or simply unable to move out of the situation it's pretty tough.
Today the feeling of helplessness arose inside again. I thought I was settled in my work, selfconfident and ready for the exam...since my boss told me that she and my working mates want to "talk" to me on thursday. And I totally know what will happen : They'll bash me like I'm the only one to blame - pretending that criticism will help me to "grow" in my work.
I used to ignore people who were trying to put me down - but now I can't. I have to work with them and they'll have a major part in marking me.
And I just hope I'll have the right arguments to say the will to fight back. Because I AM NOT a punching ball and I like my work. And NOBODY can take this from me. Not even working-mates that act nice in front of me and then put me down...
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