"getting ready for another year like this"
So, this was 2005. I'm still unsure of what to think when I review the past 12 months in my head. There have been many wonderful but also painful moments and some things that were important to me or became during the time. So, to follow Nick Hornby's good tradition :
Here are my
ultimate Top 5
Albums of the year (don't be picky with the release date, it's sorted by personal meaning)

von spatzen und tauben, dächern und händen

x & y

good morning hope
wir sind helden
von hier an blind
Songs of the year
1. nick drake - things behind the sun
2. björk - joga
3. skunk anansie - feel
4. goo goo dolls - iris
5. coldplay - fix you
Newcomer of the year
1. Sarah Bettens
2. Ryan Adams (a true workaholic who always manages it to release wonderful albums)
3. The Dresden Dolls
4. Kettcar
5. Dredg
Words of the year (unsorted)
"invincible" - "connection" - "friends" - "tolle wurst (-> insider *g*)" - "telefonkonzert" - "killerkiwi" - "iro (and accordingly "mohawk") " - "luv" - "knuffel" - "sms" - "K's choice" - "Chat" - "Scream" - "sing" - "revolution"
Most memorable sentence :
„Das Leben ist viel zu kurz um sich Gedanken darüber zu machen, was andere Leute über Dich denken könnten“ (Thank you A. - R.I.P.)
So, if I should sum it all I'd say it with the words of the wonderful Alanis Morrisette :
"You live, you learn, you love, you learn
You cry, you learn, you lose, you learn
You bleed, you learn, you scream, you learn."
A good start into the year 2006 to all of you. I hope we'll read each other soon.
PS : You can comment now also as an anonym user now. I edited the comment settings. If there are any problems with it you know how to contact me (*wink* to Katharina *gg*).