Donnerstag, September 28, 2006
little rock chick - out to everyone
Out of boredom in a boring lesson of pedagogics I drew a new comic strip and story about the life and struggle of little goth girl, a rock music fanatic and lonely lesbian. In this show she recognises she's into girls, but her environment needs to know and reacts unexpected.
Click to enlarge and enjoy !

Dienstag, September 19, 2006
for the best picca in the world :)
fiona apple. sleep to dream
1.Your Middle Name: Caecilia (really!)
2. Age: 20
3. Single or Taken: single
4. Favorite Movie: too many to name now - but mostly movies with a twisted edge and sick, funny stuff.
5. Favorite Song: currently "when you were young" by The Killers
6. Favorite Band/Artist: K's choice - but actually so many more.
7. Dirty or Clean: depends ;)
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: not yet (planning to get tattooed)
HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...
1. Do we know each other outside of Live Journal? Yesh.
2. What's your philosophy on life? "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and to be loved in return."
3. Would you have my back in a fight? Of course !
4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Yup.
5. What is your favorite memory of us? Every laugh we have about something silly (especially "I have sex in the rain" Uli. *lol*)
6. Would you give me a kidney? Anytime.
7. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I tend to be a very serious person although I might seem pretty happy most of the time. I like the scent of the moment close before the rain sets in. And I'm currently facing lonliness.
8. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? Gimme a train ticket and I'll be there. =)
9. Can we get together and make a cake? I dunno if I'm useful, because my baking skills are limited but yes. :)
10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? No.
11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? I never did.
12. Do you think I'm a good person? One of the best I got to know in my humble life.
13. Would you drive across country with me? To England and further !
14. Do you think I'm attractive? I can't say. You're my friend ! ;)
15. If you could change anything about me, would you? I wouldn't change anything, because friendship is about accepting each other the way you are.
16. What do you wear to sleep? Depends on the season. Mostly a t-shirt with short panties.
17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? Yes.
18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? LoL. We already have our monthly dates, you know. DAT ? ;)
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together ? I don't know. I guess we'd party with all the people that we love and kill ourselves before it happens, because we're both uncomfortable with the thought of not having control over our lives and death as well.
20. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Done. :D
1.Your Middle Name: Caecilia (really!)
2. Age: 20
3. Single or Taken: single
4. Favorite Movie: too many to name now - but mostly movies with a twisted edge and sick, funny stuff.
5. Favorite Song: currently "when you were young" by The Killers
6. Favorite Band/Artist: K's choice - but actually so many more.
7. Dirty or Clean: depends ;)
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: not yet (planning to get tattooed)
HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...
1. Do we know each other outside of Live Journal? Yesh.
2. What's your philosophy on life? "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and to be loved in return."
3. Would you have my back in a fight? Of course !
4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Yup.
5. What is your favorite memory of us? Every laugh we have about something silly (especially "I have sex in the rain" Uli. *lol*)
6. Would you give me a kidney? Anytime.
7. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I tend to be a very serious person although I might seem pretty happy most of the time. I like the scent of the moment close before the rain sets in. And I'm currently facing lonliness.
8. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? Gimme a train ticket and I'll be there. =)
9. Can we get together and make a cake? I dunno if I'm useful, because my baking skills are limited but yes. :)
10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? No.
11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? I never did.
12. Do you think I'm a good person? One of the best I got to know in my humble life.
13. Would you drive across country with me? To England and further !
14. Do you think I'm attractive? I can't say. You're my friend ! ;)
15. If you could change anything about me, would you? I wouldn't change anything, because friendship is about accepting each other the way you are.
16. What do you wear to sleep? Depends on the season. Mostly a t-shirt with short panties.
17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? Yes.
18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? LoL. We already have our monthly dates, you know. DAT ? ;)
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together ? I don't know. I guess we'd party with all the people that we love and kill ourselves before it happens, because we're both uncomfortable with the thought of not having control over our lives and death as well.
20. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? Done. :D
Samstag, September 09, 2006
That woman got the blues...
My connection is acting strange, so I can't upload the song right now....anyway. The lyrics are strong, too.
Anouk . loving whiskey
Well if you live in dusty twilight baby, that's ok
Cause there are women at the bar to greet you every day
You can take them back to lie with you and visit Jamie's room
But they can never take the pain away
Or brighten all the gloom
And if your hands are clenched with sorrow
May it help you ease your pain
Though the windows have a view of city rain, city rain
Well if you walk in constant sorrow
And you cry for me
And if you're hit with painful memories
Maybe then you'll see
That if you drown yourself in liquor
Because it keeps you company
Then just remember who you're losing
And be proud to set me free
Because it don't talk back or disagree
It just makes you see so hazily
But in de morning light your life is scattered with the wind,
scattered with the wind
And they tell you on the telephone to let him go
I said they tell you he's a sinking ship
And he's tryin' to pull you down
Don't you know
That every time you call me up and say you want me back
You know you break my heart
You said you want me to come back home and try again
You want me to make a brand new start
But if wisdom says to let him go
Then it's hell because you just don't know
Until you've tried to love a man who's lovin' whiskey
Lovin' whiskey
My baby left me for a bottle
And the lure of the nightlife
Good times and crazy women
And another glass of tangueray
But if wisdom says to let him go
Then it's hell because you just don't know
Until you've tried to love a man who's lovin' whiskey
Lovin' whiskey
Anouk . loving whiskey
Well if you live in dusty twilight baby, that's ok
Cause there are women at the bar to greet you every day
You can take them back to lie with you and visit Jamie's room
But they can never take the pain away
Or brighten all the gloom
And if your hands are clenched with sorrow
May it help you ease your pain
Though the windows have a view of city rain, city rain
Well if you walk in constant sorrow
And you cry for me
And if you're hit with painful memories
Maybe then you'll see
That if you drown yourself in liquor
Because it keeps you company
Then just remember who you're losing
And be proud to set me free
Because it don't talk back or disagree
It just makes you see so hazily
But in de morning light your life is scattered with the wind,
scattered with the wind
And they tell you on the telephone to let him go
I said they tell you he's a sinking ship
And he's tryin' to pull you down
Don't you know
That every time you call me up and say you want me back
You know you break my heart
You said you want me to come back home and try again
You want me to make a brand new start
But if wisdom says to let him go
Then it's hell because you just don't know
Until you've tried to love a man who's lovin' whiskey
Lovin' whiskey
My baby left me for a bottle
And the lure of the nightlife
Good times and crazy women
And another glass of tangueray
But if wisdom says to let him go
Then it's hell because you just don't know
Until you've tried to love a man who's lovin' whiskey
Lovin' whiskey
Donnerstag, September 07, 2006
murmel in German
For the curious ones who aren't overstrained yet.
Vogelperspektiven und Ameisenmenschen
It gives me the chance to express myself better, because writing English is great fun, but not my mothers tongue. *whooo - a ryhme !*
virtual greetings *
Vogelperspektiven und Ameisenmenschen
It gives me the chance to express myself better, because writing English is great fun, but not my mothers tongue. *whooo - a ryhme !*
virtual greetings *
Montag, September 04, 2006
What would I be....
if I'd be....
a month: May
a day of the week: Friday
a daytime: early evening
a Planet: Pluto
an animal who lives in the sea: one of those fishes who can disguise themselves
a point of the compass: south-west *hehe*
a piece of furniture: a bed
a sin: lust. *muhahah*
a person in history: John Lennon
a fluid: Absinth
a stone: one of the fat and huge ones. ;)
a tree: a willow
a bird: an eagle
a tool: a hammer
a flower: a lily
a type of weather: sunshine with a cool wind
a mystic creature: the beast of "beauty and the beast"
an instrument: drums. really.
an animal: a cat
a color: blue
a vegetable: carrot
a sound: *peng*
an element: air
a car: Peugeot 8-)
a song: don't mag yourself (currently playing)
a movie: city of angels
a book: high fidelity by nick hornby
a religion: buddism
a word: fuck
a part of the body: hand
a facial expression: crying
a subject: history
a cartoon character: little rock chick ;)
shamelessly stolen by zis (c) *gg*
a month: May
a day of the week: Friday
a daytime: early evening
a Planet: Pluto
an animal who lives in the sea: one of those fishes who can disguise themselves
a point of the compass: south-west *hehe*
a piece of furniture: a bed
a sin: lust. *muhahah*
a person in history: John Lennon
a fluid: Absinth
a stone: one of the fat and huge ones. ;)
a tree: a willow
a bird: an eagle
a tool: a hammer
a flower: a lily
a type of weather: sunshine with a cool wind
a mystic creature: the beast of "beauty and the beast"
an instrument: drums. really.
an animal: a cat
a color: blue
a vegetable: carrot
a sound: *peng*
an element: air
a car: Peugeot 8-)
a song: don't mag yourself (currently playing)
a movie: city of angels
a book: high fidelity by nick hornby
a religion: buddism
a word: fuck
a part of the body: hand
a facial expression: crying
a subject: history
a cartoon character: little rock chick ;)
shamelessly stolen by zis (c) *gg*
Game, set, Simpsons !
.stattgespräch - viel zu viel.

I had a hard time sleeping on Friday night, because my stomach felt like my guts want to escape. My sis bought me Coke, Banana and pretzel sticks on saturday. Which helps against THAT kind of problems. I didn't think it would be so useful for my following two days.
I found myself spending it alone, because T. had a terrible cold, sounded bad on the phone and was sorry about not being able to come, but what does it bring when she shows up and is much sicker later on ? So I found myself lieing around the whole weekend. I looked forward for a 5 hour marathon of "The Simpsons" episodes on sunday! Ironically life beats you in the face when you think everything is going right. I woke up and couldn't see on my right eye. I almost went nuts, while my parents were advising me to do this and that. Finally it got better and I was able to enjoy my sunday afternoon (which doesn't happen that often, I gotta admit). After the episode marathon I watched lots of Tennis from the US open and found myself really enjoying it. And I drank definitely too much Coke ! It's even worse for a gastrointestinal problems, but my sleeping habits suffered like hell from it.
It was a great fun weekend, but I also thought a lot about this and that, caught an old friend online and listened to her everyday shitloads, she's dealing with. This remembered me to do a thing I wanted to do a long time ago. I registered myself a musician account at myspace to get my daily song ideas on a wire for the people who are interested.

I had a hard time sleeping on Friday night, because my stomach felt like my guts want to escape. My sis bought me Coke, Banana and pretzel sticks on saturday. Which helps against THAT kind of problems. I didn't think it would be so useful for my following two days.
I found myself spending it alone, because T. had a terrible cold, sounded bad on the phone and was sorry about not being able to come, but what does it bring when she shows up and is much sicker later on ? So I found myself lieing around the whole weekend. I looked forward for a 5 hour marathon of "The Simpsons" episodes on sunday! Ironically life beats you in the face when you think everything is going right. I woke up and couldn't see on my right eye. I almost went nuts, while my parents were advising me to do this and that. Finally it got better and I was able to enjoy my sunday afternoon (which doesn't happen that often, I gotta admit). After the episode marathon I watched lots of Tennis from the US open and found myself really enjoying it. And I drank definitely too much Coke ! It's even worse for a gastrointestinal problems, but my sleeping habits suffered like hell from it.
It was a great fun weekend, but I also thought a lot about this and that, caught an old friend online and listened to her everyday shitloads, she's dealing with. This remembered me to do a thing I wanted to do a long time ago. I registered myself a musician account at myspace to get my daily song ideas on a wire for the people who are interested.
Freitag, September 01, 2006
Spot on !
dishwalla . mad life

Tomorrow I will perform again with my band and I feel like it's the first gig every time I step on stage. Most of the time it's a very poor kind of stage, but it is my platform to show people what I can do best : Sing and play guitar. I guess I was useless for this world before I started to make music. This is how it feels now.
Some of you may not know how it feels to go on stage and play your songs, so I try to explain it. First of all : I like the whole happenings around as well. It's a good package, delivered to the right adress. I meet the people that discovered my/our music and invited us to play and have some nice chats, you set up the sound system, test your instruments, joke about this and that and then wait for the moment to come. It's time. My time. I'm able to present my music, together with my best friend(s) (because in the most cases and in the best ones, you're friends with your band members). And then : Spot on ! All eyes on me. Since I play my music I don't need to be the center of attention all the time anymore. I'm ok with having all attention on stage. We start to play the songs, songs that are filled with some of the strongest feelings a human being is able to send out and fill into a piece of music. And you give away your innermost to get applause back. It's like you fall into a sea of blankets, carried away by the people that shared their time with you to listen. And most of them listen more carefully than I do when I play my songs. They show up afterwards and explain how much they like the songs and that feels like heaven. Something I created means something to others, makes them feel vindicated in their feelings or just good. And I don't want to miss a single second of this. I'd like to tape EVERY gig we play and replay it again and again. But sometimes my memory is a good camera as well.
If I had to describe it shortly, I'd say I'm the most fulfilled and happy person in the world when I'm on stage. Maybe it's because I never felt anything stronger. I bet there's things like love that are able to make you feel the same, but lovers come and go. The music stays. And that's what's wonderful.

Tomorrow I will perform again with my band and I feel like it's the first gig every time I step on stage. Most of the time it's a very poor kind of stage, but it is my platform to show people what I can do best : Sing and play guitar. I guess I was useless for this world before I started to make music. This is how it feels now.
Some of you may not know how it feels to go on stage and play your songs, so I try to explain it. First of all : I like the whole happenings around as well. It's a good package, delivered to the right adress. I meet the people that discovered my/our music and invited us to play and have some nice chats, you set up the sound system, test your instruments, joke about this and that and then wait for the moment to come. It's time. My time. I'm able to present my music, together with my best friend(s) (because in the most cases and in the best ones, you're friends with your band members). And then : Spot on ! All eyes on me. Since I play my music I don't need to be the center of attention all the time anymore. I'm ok with having all attention on stage. We start to play the songs, songs that are filled with some of the strongest feelings a human being is able to send out and fill into a piece of music. And you give away your innermost to get applause back. It's like you fall into a sea of blankets, carried away by the people that shared their time with you to listen. And most of them listen more carefully than I do when I play my songs. They show up afterwards and explain how much they like the songs and that feels like heaven. Something I created means something to others, makes them feel vindicated in their feelings or just good. And I don't want to miss a single second of this. I'd like to tape EVERY gig we play and replay it again and again. But sometimes my memory is a good camera as well.
If I had to describe it shortly, I'd say I'm the most fulfilled and happy person in the world when I'm on stage. Maybe it's because I never felt anything stronger. I bet there's things like love that are able to make you feel the same, but lovers come and go. The music stays. And that's what's wonderful.