
Photos, impressions, weird thoughts and life in general.

Montag, Juli 17, 2006


Things I noticed. Again !

1. I've had some heavy rotation LPs these days


2. I stumbled through the day : No single situation without me getting hurt somewhere. Maybe it's the weariness.

3. I passed my exams with a 1 (= A) in German and a 2 (=B) in Pedagogics. I thought I was very bad, but life sometimes proves that black is white.

4. There are only 2 weeks left until I'm finished at my working place. The kids were really sad today when I told them. I'm sorry for them, too but not for my working mates. Can't even call them "mates".

5. I have holidays from 28th of July until 13th of September. Two days later, because THE POPE is coming to Bavaria. Never thought I'd enjoy the fact that he's here. But hey : 2 days more for me.

6. Realised that I'm working 3 weeks in August. Urgh. But money makes the world go round.

7. Discovered a cool band from Texas. Bon Terra. I looove their song "underdog" ! :D
Check them out at myspace ( and on their homepage ( !

8. I'm getting along with html.

9. Sascha and I will start recording next week. Yihaa !

10. I miss myself.


  • At 11:36 PM, Blogger silent_genius said…

    1. Good ones :)

    3. Congrats! I knew believing in you wasn't a waste of energy ;)

    5. "I have holidays from 28th of July until 13th of September" <- nice last date :p

    11. Goodnight! *hugs* [no smiley to avoid overdose]

  • At 11:49 AM, Blogger piccadilly said…

    1. they both look too skinny, if you're asking me... *scared*

    2. me too ( i counted like five new "blue meanins" -as I call them- on me left leg!)

    3. yeahy! *party mit confetti werf und sich für dich freut*

    5. I'm about to leave saturday morning. any chance for a meeting before that? say like... friday? at my place as irish is going to prepare me some journey-lunches? we'll go out afterwards, you know?

    *hugs* luv ya
    tea to the ey to the en ay ey! ;-)

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger piccadilly said…

    to 2. I meant "meanies"... like in "yellow submarine" of the beatles...

  • At 6:42 PM, Blogger Lieza said…

    Sauber :)
    /me throws confetti for your exam

  • At 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Just have to let you know that I am very proud of you!
    Feel very durchgeknuddelt ;oP

  • At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonym said…

    *g* isch find mein englisch einfach klasse


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