Watch out, Sigmund Freud !
--> traffic noise from outside
Yesterday night I dreamt shitloads of pointless stuff. Amusing, but as I take my dreams pretty serious I started to wonder about :
- > me, holding hands with a girl, that surly DOESN'T want to hold hands with me
- > running with her up to a hill (people told me it's a good place to hang around) where we find a rusted, old bus
- > the radioin the bus is still working and tells us that a body was found near this place
- > we run like hell, while we are chased by this man

For your information - he's no murderer, politician or bad person in any sense. Just a sport moderator. Strange enough that HE should be the enemy. Tss. But maybe sport moderators are the new bad people of tomorrow. Who knows ?
- > after being chased (we got away safely ! YAAAY! ) the "girl" runs away and feel that I lost her
- > I scream her name as loud as I can and suddenly and old classmate of mine says [imagine a incredibly low voice for a girl] : "Hey, maybe she's on the hill!"
- > I run up that hill, but I just find her keys and she wrote on it "HAHA!" with an arrow to the left
- > I find her and introduce my former classmate to her
Then I wake up and I just have one question :
Sigmund Freud would be pleased to analyse this.
But maybe Sarah Bettens was true when she sang :
Yesterday night I dreamt shitloads of pointless stuff. Amusing, but as I take my dreams pretty serious I started to wonder about :
- > me, holding hands with a girl, that surly DOESN'T want to hold hands with me
- > running with her up to a hill (people told me it's a good place to hang around) where we find a rusted, old bus
- > the radioin the bus is still working and tells us that a body was found near this place
- > we run like hell, while we are chased by this man

For your information - he's no murderer, politician or bad person in any sense. Just a sport moderator. Strange enough that HE should be the enemy. Tss. But maybe sport moderators are the new bad people of tomorrow. Who knows ?
- > after being chased (we got away safely ! YAAAY! ) the "girl" runs away and feel that I lost her
- > I scream her name as loud as I can and suddenly and old classmate of mine says [imagine a incredibly low voice for a girl] : "Hey, maybe she's on the hill!"
- > I run up that hill, but I just find her keys and she wrote on it "HAHA!" with an arrow to the left
- > I find her and introduce my former classmate to her
Then I wake up and I just have one question :
Sigmund Freud would be pleased to analyse this.
But maybe Sarah Bettens was true when she sang :
"It's okay to wonder why but don't expect to understand your life."
At 5:02 PM,
Anonym said…
I'd be pleased to analyse this aswell! And: I'm curious who that girl is.
At 5:56 PM,
murmel said…
Tjsaaaa....strange enough : It wasn't AAF ! Hrmmm, should I get thoughtful about this fact or worried ?
Lets phone on wednesday (my old folks are on holidays ;) and you'll tell me your analysis and I tell you the name of the girl...hihi.
Btw : Congratulations ! You're the 600th visitor of my blog ! *throws confetti* :D
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