Watch out !

oo-> the cardigans . my favourite game
Wise people say:
The best things happen right in front of your door.
Tonight it's different. A few mins ago I was sitting in my room, doing some weird ideas for my songs and suddenly heard a huge crash sound. When walking outside I saw that a former football mate of mine had crushed the mercedes of his dad into the neighbours fence. OUCH ! Within minutes the small film of snow became a dangerous skating rink. Although he wasn't always nice to me in the earlier days I felt sorry for him. I mean, crushing your dads mercedes into a stone fence. *muhahaha*
Sorry. I'm mean. No one was hurt though gladly.
To all of you that have to drive by car through this blistering cold :
Watch out and drive careful ! And if you are having an accident don't claim that you were driving slow enough afterwards ! ;)
At 8:48 PM,
silent_genius said…
I find ironic that this story comes with The Cardigans' Favourite Game song as background.
The first version of the video for that song was of Nina Persson ending up crashing her car really bad into another one. Of course they got censored. But I saw it before! muahaha. ^^
Amazing song, anyway. Not so nice story, but if there's not much harm done, it's what matters.
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