fake endorphines...
oo-> matthew good band . anti-pop
...are some kinda good. For me. Now. No girls insight, no well payed job, so :
I'll go to the city and buy myself something !
Not just something:
I decided to carry my old car radio to the junkyard and give that car the sound that it deserves. But first my dad and me went to an old sports-mate of him that fixes cars in his free time. He's like some of that old, grumpy men. But when you're a careful watcher you can see a little smile, flitting over his face when he thinks of the good old times.
But when thinking of that you have to remember that he has a young wife and two little kids. Strange, how intense some people are aging within the blink of an eye. I can see myself playing with his babies and now they're are almost grown.
He fused some parts and changed the oil and I first saw my car from beneath. Interesting stuff, going on there *laugh*
So tomorrow is a total feel-good-day. I'll go to the hairdresser and afterwards with Sascha and his girlfriend to the city and buy myself that cool car radio.
I thought about that action : Buying something when you're kinda down and out. In the end it's just fake endorphines. But I feel fine. And nothing else matters. *thinks of quoting metallica without any intention* *shake*
Have a nice Tuesday !
At 11:46 PM,
silent_genius said…
As Gert sings it : "So you learned how to get out there,
How to buy to fill a void"
I hate how he can be so right about almost everything all the time. But I totally adore everything else about him.
Ok, that sounded so weird it cracked me up, lol
*goes back to her corner to take her pills before the "WTF?" strikes in from your side of the screen*
At 9:24 AM,
murmel said…
"WTF?" Come ooon ! You like it, when I say it ! ;)
At 9:34 AM,
silent_genius said…
Sure it's the word that represents my favourite moment of January 2006, can't dislike it after that statement ;)
Good morning, btw ^^
At 9:37 AM,
murmel said…
Thanx. ^^ Good morning to you, too. After a strong coffee at the haidresser I feel totally hyper. In one hour I'll have my new car radio !
*jumps like a rabbit through the room and gives you a kusje while hopping by*
At 3:48 PM,
Lieza said…
buying things when youre down! I love it.Hey btw i bought a cd / dvd today :D
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