sing for the moment
oo-> racoon . smoothly
I just realised that I probably won't be able to sing for 2 weeks from friday on. Remember ? My wisedom teeth get pulled out. And if I open my mouth too wide the suture might rip open again.
After some people told me that they hard really harsh experiences after it I'm a bit scared, but I actually trust my doctor.
I mean, how can you NOT trust this man ?

He even studied human medicine sciences, so : 2 thumbs up for dr. mathy and two teeths less for me !
I just realised that I probably won't be able to sing for 2 weeks from friday on. Remember ? My wisedom teeth get pulled out. And if I open my mouth too wide the suture might rip open again.
After some people told me that they hard really harsh experiences after it I'm a bit scared, but I actually trust my doctor.
I mean, how can you NOT trust this man ?

He even studied human medicine sciences, so : 2 thumbs up for dr. mathy and two teeths less for me !

At 3:45 PM,
piccadilly said…
Honey, it's not that bad, you know? I ate Strawberry-cake in the evening, after pulling out the last two. It's not as bad as having babies or inject something thru your eyeballs, but it's also not a walk thru the meadows.
Anyway: I trust your doc, he looks like he knows what he's doing...
Luv ya - and check out your mail on saturday... ;-)
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